Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Comments on "Death Penalty?"

I see no fault with the death penalty. I think that it is appropriate and superior then paying tax dollars for a murdering convict to live out their life with three squares and a cot while programs like education go under funded. In my opinion, if the death penalty is on the table for a possible punishment, then it should be used. And for that reason I find myself in full agreement with your article “Death Penalty?”. Child molestation has is a devastating for the child. Their lives are changed by the psychological damage done and their trust of adults can be shattered. The changes that the child goes through effectively kill the person they were before the event, making molestation like murder. But unlike murder, the victim needs to live with the knowledge of their being violated and have an increased chance to commit suicide. You’re right that these criminals should receive the same punishment as murderers and it’s a pity that the Supreme Court doesn’t see it that way.

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