Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment on Colleague's Blog

The blog “Congress is Unfit to Solve the Nation’s Problems” by my colleague is something that I can almost fully agree with. The obvious ineffectiveness of Congress to manage national issues with our country’s population diversifying could be countered by increasing local powers. If we would allow local lawmakers to run the areas that elect them so that their focus of keeping their voters happy can be put to good use.

I think that it is important to realize that the blame for mismanaging the country doesn’t fall solely on the president as is the common practice these days. The Legislative branch actually should shoulder most of the blame for the poor state of internal affairs. It seems that there are far too many people with different agendas that need to agree but can’t because of what ever loyalties they have. It seems that we have returned to the same loose connection of representatives that the Articles of Confederation set up. Just like the Confederation, we should rely on local governments to run the country. I agree that it’s unreasonable for the representatives of Maine to care about the people in Wyoming and so really the only way to be sure that the best thing happens for everyone is for strong state officials under a federal over seer.

I do think that there will be a problem with local governments as opposed to staying with our current one, there will be rifts forming between states. Different business codes and taxing policies will give incentives to increase the wealth of certain states while hurting the others. Though the shift will greatly benefit many Americans, the damage done to those left in the areas unable to offer the developments as other states will outweigh the good. I think in the end that risk makes the idea not worth making the change even though it will make life easier for a lot of Americans.

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